Monday 19 September 2011

"Mee Jawa Pak Awang" by A.M.A.S :-)

Early in the mornig at 6:00am, i received a notification on my phone, a friend of mine check-in his fb at Padang Merdeka.Then... he tagged me a few pictures.A friend of his compalint of tummy ache, tummy need to be refill means hungry tummy "krok''krok"... 
Pictures explain everything, look at the picture I uploaded, faces of happy people eating mee Jawa. According to him, this mee Jawa;
"D Kai Joo Lane blkg Central Police Station @ Rm3.00 jak!! Rindok aih sitok...paling best awal2 pagi... Nostalgia jak suasana nya :-)"
Jungo muncung muka asak ati muka lega perut dah diisik semua explain....kuatan nyaman nanggg lengis lahh mee dak tok.... 
 A.M.A.S; kitak mesti mbak mek orang makan ctok matter what.... :p jujoh ayek liur orang nangga ktk duak ya makan ehhh....


  1. Hahah...well written my blogger fren...a picture paints a thousand memories....that being said, lets set a date n indulge Mee Jawa Pak Awang...the old skool way, nothing beats the veteran @ his own turf !

  2. xiexie dearest driend ;) hehe..thanx to you for the lovely pictures. Let's jawa-ing ;)
