Friday 1 April 2016

Day 5: fitness journey 🍏

IOWhat a day! 
I had 2 half boiled egg and milo for morning. Rice and fish curry and fried beansprout. Oh ya i also had "telur padi" in the morning. 
Evening at Aliff's "akad nikah" i had fried mee hoon. Roti canai.. 😭😭😭😭 i felt soo guilty now... At 6:30pm i had 3 pieces of pisang cheese during our SRSC meeting.  😭😭😭 😵😩. It's our organization's club that someone voted me as one of the comittee huhu. 
I need to burn burn burn!!!! 

Okayy managed to workout for 40minutes while waiting to fetch Papan from tuition. Andddd.... Another green apple blended with daun pegaga at 10pm. Latee huh! 

Okayy that is all for today.. 

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